Private Fertilizer & Pesticide Recertification:
As we are nearing the end of the year, the upcoming pesticide application license recertification season is right around the corner. There was a mailing recently sent out by the ODA to anyone who is due to be renewed and recertified. If you are due to attend a recertification class before the March 31st deadline, or if you just want to get it done early, you are invited to attend the Champaign County Pesticide Recertification class on February 5th. The fertilizer (category 15) portion will be from 8am to 9am, with the pesticide (Core, Cat 1, 2, 3, 6) starting immediately at 9am until noon. As a reminder, you will need to RENEW your license with ODA for a $30 fee, in addition to attending the RECERTIFICATION class that is $50 paid to Extension. Two separate fee’s paid to two different entities, but both are necessary in order for your license to remain current. You can register and pay for the Champaign County RECERTIFICATION online here: Or, if you would rather mail us a check, or pay in person, the registration link can still be used to register, but we will need it prior to day of the class. Or, if you would rather attend a class in a different county you are welcome to do that as well. There are a number of classes offered in the region, more information on these can be found on the flyer below.
Private New Fertilizer Certification:
A 3-hour certification class will be offered for anyone interested in obtaining their new fertilizer applicator license with the ODA. This class will be held on February 19th from 9:00am - 12:00pm and will cost $30.00. You can register online here: https://go.osu/edu/newfert. You have the option to pay with a card online. If you would rather mail us a check or pay in person, the registration link can still be used to register, but we will need the payment prior to the day of the class.