4-H Club News Reporters should use this as a guideline and email your 4-H news to the Urbana Daily Citizen. Your news will published in the Friday edition as long as it is received by their deadline of Tuesday at noon.
- Send in your news by Tuesday at noon through email to this email address: UDCeditor@aimmediamidwest.com
- Use this Meeting Report Form as a guideline
- Don't send several meetings at once. Only current news can be used.
- Give full names and spell them correctly (for example, Samantha Jones, not just Sami)
- Tell what happened at your meeting, what educational programs you conducted, what community service programs were performed, who gave demonstrations and reports and who were your guests. For special events, you may include a photograph. (Please contact the newspaper for more information concerning photos.)
- Try to skip the details that are standard with most meetings, such as "The President called the meeting to order", or "The minutes were read and approved", or who served refreshments. Please do not include the next meeting date and place.